Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ugh! I don't know about you, but these debates are making me want to throw a brick through my television screen! Obviously, as a supporter of the Obama/Biden ticket, I agree with most of what they have to say. However, both sides say the same thing over and over and over and over! Did you know Mcain is a maverick and Palin is part of the middle class? If you didn't before the debate, you should now because she said it 12 million times! (That might be an exaggeration - another happening in these debates.) Obama/Biden are just as guilty when it comes to repeating themselves. Change, change and more change. The last 8 years have sucked. Okay, we get it already. Will these debates make the undecided decide? I just don't know.
I do know that Palin scares the living crap out of me. Her God Bless the sick pack, gun toting American spiel(sp?) makes me want to hurl.

How do you guys feel about the bail out plan? I honestly don't know what to feel. I want my parents to have money left in their retirement and I fear the bail out may be the only way. I just don't know.

Okay, enough politics. Here are a few quotes or sayings that running through my head this week - things I think will point my thoughts and feelings in a more positive direction:

"I have two dogs fighting inside me all the time. The negative dog and the positive dog. The one that will win is the one I feed the most. " (This is adapted from an old Indian saying)
"I will feel so great when I figure this out."
"I am where I am right now."
"I am grateful."
"Pure intentions."

Let's wade our way through what's going on in our world and vibrate as much positive energy as we can......(I am well aware that my rant above is not espousing positive energy - I'm working on it!)


Tricia said...

After watching the debate, I can see the appeal for Palin. Support- no way.

But appeal, you bet. She's a plain talker, heck yeah! Blech!

Troy-Michelle Reinhardt said...

I agree. She is appealing - which scares me even more. :-)