Saturday, January 31, 2009

Responsibility Accountablity Volunteering Commitment

Okay - I know I tend to be a little anal about organization, being on time, commitment. I also know I can't expect others to be as anal. So why then do I get so disappointed when people don't? Is it because I then feel put upon? Does it really matter in the infinite scheme of things?
I'm sure I have let people down before - knowingly or unknowingly.

I need to remember, I can't control other people's behavior - just how I react to it.......

Still, why do so many people think that a commitment - paid, volunteer or otherwise - can be met partially rather than completely? Obviously there are some good reasons not to fulfill a commitment - unforeseen circumstances etc. But just because they don't want to?

Ugh! Let it go Troy, just let it go.....

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