Sunday, February 1, 2009

Less cranky

A friend told me yesterday that I've been angry a lot lately. I took that to heart. I have been cranky. I'm guessing it's the food thing. I totally use food for comfort, and I don't have that right now. Plus, my daughters are involved in a production that we've been rehearsing for since September - every weekend. (With the exception of a few holiday weekends) The show is in a couple of weeks so now the rehearsals are more intense and tiring. I open and close the rehearsal space so take on more of the stress than necessary. Those two things combined with no money and the economy falling apart have made it harder for me to find that positive space I usually want to hang out in.

I'm making a concentrated effort though, starting today. Hives or no hives, yummy food or no yummy food, money or no money - I have lots for which to be grateful. Including good friends who tell me I've been angry a lot. :-)


Anonymous said...

Well, now I'm happy that I haven't seen you in a while.

Only kidding...

I would imagine that you've adjusted to the diet, however the idea that you have to make a life change is setting in. I'd probably be a lot crankier. Time to do some fun things for you...I'm putting on my thinking cap.

Anonymous said...

I'd be really cranky too if I was on your diet. Keep up the good work! And I'm excited to see the play that has been keeping everyone so busy since September!