Monday, December 29, 2008


We are home and the holidays are over - phew! I survived this visit with only a little evil spoken. I did lose my temper at one point - it was in defense of my children. Those with children will understand that "mama bear" instinct that comes out.

Otherwise, I mostly avoided any contact, and watched my girls enjoy their cousins. They played the Wii Rock Band and laughed until they had tears streaming down their faces. It was so fun to watch them.

Dan and I took a walk in Los Gatos and had about an hour of "normalcy." We talked about the people we saw walking and wondered what they went home to for the holidays. Did they look forward to it? Was it out of obligation or joy?

Sooo, I wasn't perfect - if Santa was watching I would guess I'm teetering a fine line somewhere between naughty and nice.


Anonymous said...

From the way it sounds, you're teetering more toward the nice side.

Happy New Year!

Tricia said...

Such a good girl! :)