Phew! The kids are back from camp and we are all back home. Leaving my home away from home was incredibly more difficult than I thought. I didn't realize how much I was living in the moment until it was time to go home. Over the 20 some days I was there, I didn't think about my "to do" list, I didn't open my calendar.... I just enjoyed it. If I'm honest with myself, I would admit that I do find comfort in my "to do" lists and calendar. I like knowing who needs to be where and when. HOWEVER, doing nothing does not suck! :-)

Before my parents arrived and before the girls came home, Dan and I did a 7 1/2 mile hike to Rock Lake. (Yes, to my friends who know me - I REALLY hiked seven AND a half miles!) It was a beautiful hike. Bailie back packed into the lake with her camp group - she carried a 20lb pack. I only carried my day pack with water, so I don't have the same bragging rights she has, but I must say, I was mighty proud of myself.
My parents arrived two days before we picked up the girls. We went out to dinner at this great spot - The Iron Door. Dan and I had already gone there and loved it, so we were excited to take my folks. It was a great dinner, followed by a short walk to an ancient cemetery in the town of Johnsville. (By Plumas/Eureka State Park) We walked around reading the headstones and made up stories about the lives they might have lived.

I don't think I mentioned in early posts that while I was having my alone time, I painted my kitchen. Dan HATED the color. He said it looked like I smeared a frog on the walls. When my parents came, they convinced me to do a second coat. We actually really like it now. It is VERY green, but it is kind of retro and cool.
On a short political note. My friend Mary and I had a friendly bet going about who would take the Democratic nomination. She and I went to college together and have known each other for more years than either of us would probably admit. She was a strong Hillary supporter while I was in the Obama camp. As you all know, I won the bet! I was quite thrilled to arrive home and find a SMALL box with Mary's return address waiting for me. Tucked inside was the smallest bottle of Patron tequila that she could find. :-) My favorite tequila was promptly opened and enjoyed with a toast to you dear Mary!
My parents, my brother and my nephew all joined us picking up the girls at camp. Then we had a great Saturday and Sunday with the whole group listening to camp stories and enjoying each other's company.
Oh, and before I forget, the girls had a fabulous time at camp. Kate let me know she would go again and "really didn't miss you that much." Bailie said she would go again but seemed pretty happy to be home.
Well, now that I am facing reality again, I feel a bit melancholy. I wonder if life would be as wonderful at the cabin if I were there full time? Wouldn't that then become real life and not be as good? Is it possible to create what I had there - here? While I ponder that, I'm back to tennis lessons, volleyball camps, play dates and planning for the new school year....... instead of being sad about that though, I'm going in feeling incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to spend time alone, alone with my husband, and with my whole family - relaxed and happy.
I made your blog! Yeehah! I'm famous! The cabin sounds perfect to me...what a great time. I also noticed that picture of you and Dan in Sedona. Kim and I just took a trip there in May. Totally beautiful! Also, that second blog deep that talks about the guard rails you'd be willing to pay for and the image of banjos...priceless. That was some of the funniest writing I've ever read, and you know I know my comedy. Keep up the good blogging! Your pal, Mary
Okay - to have YOU say my writing is the funniest you've ever read is quite the compliment because I'm not sure there has been anyone in my life who has made me laugh harder. Congrats again on your wedding - you both look so beautiful and your yard is spectacular. I'm so happy for you!
The cabin time sounds nice, I'm jealous!
It was one of those rare times in a mom's life - time to realize that as important of a job that being a mom is - it's not my only role in life....
I'm eager to hear more about your SF trip....
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