Tuesday, July 8, 2008

writer ramblings

I was staring at the file on my computer labeled "writing stuff." I must have 50 or 60 files in that folder. Not to mention a stack of hard copy file folders will much of the same and some different. I have tons of brilliant beginnings. Some even have fairly good middles. Sadly, very few have endings. I came to the realization today that that has to do with my inability to stay in the moment. When I get an idea to write - I start off with gusto. Then, while my fingers type away, my mind starts to wander and think about how long this writing is going to take. My mind inevitably leaps then to how much I'll have to edit and re do when I finally do finish it. I get so completely overwhelmed by the whole and can't stay focused on just writing, right now and in the moment. Does that ever happen to any of you? Maybe in tasks other than writing? How often do we tell our children or did we hear from our mothers that if we spent more time doing and less time worrying about the doing, we'd already be done?

I'm sure once I'm finished with my Davis Lake sabbatical, I will be blogging less - so thanks for your patience with how many posts I have in just two days.

My book club isn't making it up here after all. I will miss the laughter and camaraderie, but maybe I'm supposed to have one more day to explore this "alone" time....

My friend Ann is sitting next to her brother, keeping him company in the hospital. If you're inclined to pray or send out good vibrations or whatever your beliefs - send some positive energy her way.

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